Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Portfolio V: Predict and Minimize Potential Unethical Abuse of Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a technology which enables researchers to detect and locate brain activity when a person thinks about a specific word. By using this data the researchers come up with a computational model that enabled a computer to correctly determine what word a research subject was thinking about by analyzing brain scan data. With the development of this technology, mind mapping may finally be able to “read” the mind of a person by analyzing his/her brain scan data. This is very useful in helping a person to reveal the contents of his memory and in criminal investigating. But mind mapping also raise some ethical problems. And the potential abuse of mind mapping may have a negative effect on the society.
Firstly, analysis what a person is thinking may seriously violate his/her privacy. Privacy is the freedom from interference or public attention. To dig something specially or personally sensitive for someboby by implementing “mind-reading machine” is one of the possible abuse of mind mapping technology. Many countries have laws to protect privacy. If mind mapping technology is developed in the future, it will be very difficult to protect privacy.
Secondly, nobody can guarantee the accuracy of mind mapping. Mind mapping technology has not been widely applied in crime investigation just because the technology is not advanced enough, so the prediction of mind mapping is not powerful evidence. However, with the development of this technology, the prediction may be more and more accurate. Police may rely on mind mapping to handle a case. Is it fair that people are convicted and imprisoned solely based on the testing result of a machine?
If I am a researcher, I think my work will be quite challenging. If I want to minimize the potential unethical abuses of my work, I think the first thing I will do is to collect a lot of data and do a well study on these data. I think the most important thing is to put forward a well theory. If the prediction according to the brain image is correct, it will be easier for people to accept. Also, I think there should be some laws to limit the use of mind mapping even though I am a researcher on this field. I think this will cause some serious society problems if mind mapping is not limited.
In short, technology is a double-edge sword. The most powerful technology probably leads to the most serious result if it is abused. Therefore, a new technology, such as mind mapping, should be tested carefully before it is implemented in real life. And if it is used in a proper way it will contribute a lot to the society.

1 comment:

khoose said...

Hi Yilin,
You have completed all 5 Portfolio tasks. Good work. All the very best for the exam, and remember to keep on working on improving your English. Read as much as you can, and take note not just of the content but also of the way that different writers write for different purposes.

By the way, in Portfolio Task 5, you wrote "a well study" and "a well theory". Take note that "well" is not used like "good". You can say "a good study/theory" because "good" is an adjective that describes "study" and "theory". However, "well" is an adverb. You can say "He did that well" where "well" describes the verb "did". I hope this makes the word "well" clearer for you.

Good luck!
Ms Khoo :)