Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Difficulties in English Writing

We may need a lot of writing in some of the modules we take. In the writing I find the biggest difficult I meet is that I can not master the style well. In most of my writing I find it is hard to make it like a academic level writing. Some of my sentances are more like everyday talking or translated from Chinese. I can express my meaning well, but it doesn't look professional enough. For example, when we did our project in GEM2901, there are two Singaporeans in our group. I did the second part of the project, after I finished the essay, I found it was not good enough since the language I used was too simple. So I asked the two Singaporeans to help me correct it. After they corrected the essay, I found it more professional and looked so good. Then I find that a effective way to improve my writing is to read more local students' essay. I find that local students' English writings are quite diifferent from most of our writings, in both language and organization. So I find it quite helps to read more local students' writings. Since we are facing the same writing task in our study, reading more of their writing is a direct help. Another way to improve my writing I find is that I can read textbooks more. I was wondering that why it was very hard to explain one thing clearly in English, which I can explain well in Chinese. When I read the textbooks, I find that it is quite clear. Then I find it is because of the language used. From the textbooks, I know better how to choose the word when I want to explain one thing. So this also quite helps. So I think the two points above can help my English writing a lot. If I keep doing these, my English writing will be improved, I think.

1 comment:

Wang Tianren said...

en, I have the same problem. and the ways i have tried, i think they are effective. i just want to add another way to solve this problem that is to write more essays. practicing works well sometimes.^^